The "12 Electric Hours" are realistic test
demonstrations of electric vehicles in urban traffic. The purpose of
the "12 Electric Hours" is to demonstrate that electric
vehicles are able to cover proper distances during two six hour periods
at a speed which could justify their normal integration in urban traffic.
commercialised vehicles or prototypes which have been granted a license
for being used on the public highway are allowed to participate in this
test demonstration.
Both battery-electric, hybrid and fuel cellvehicles can participate
in differen classes. Results are based on achieved mileage, energy
consumption and specific energy consumption (Wh/Tkm).
"12 Electric Hours" have been organised in: Brussels
(1987), Bruges (1989), La Rochelle (1990), Padova (1991), Namur
(1991), 's-Hertogenbosch (1993), Grenoble(1994), Oxford (1995), Torino
(1996), Rotterdam (1997).
The results of the "12 Electric Hours" over the
years clearly show the improving energy efficiency of the battery-electric
vehicles with the evolution of technology, as shown in the
figure below (click on figure to have high-resolution image):